SmartView and MDX, its a thing.

MDX for querying Essbase is something I’ve recently began to invest time into, and I’m not looking back.  The thing that got me to start looking for alternative data extract options from Essbase was my users constantly requesting an ‘extract’ of the data. They love using that level and building Excel based reporting on it; please hold your comments on how wrong that is, I agree, but don’t have a choice here.  So we were trying to pull these extract using report scripts, and ad-hoc views in SmartView, but it just wouldn’t work. There are several large sparse dimensions and the number of potential intersections for each is very high, greater than 1 Million rows.  But the actual rows with data are closer to 50-60k so this is not really that big of a pull. When you use an Ad-Hoc report in SmartView, even with suppression enabled, the entire data set is first retrieved then suppressed, often exceeding line limits in Excel or SmartView, and causing systems everywhere to lock up and freeze.

In comes MDX, I had worked with MDX in the past, but as anyone who has run MDX can attest, the format is near useless without post processing, and I did not have the time for that, and I was hoping to make this something the users could do on their own. So I took a look at the option in SmartView for running MDX, and I love it, formatting is perfect.  Now I had to work on the query to make it efficient. Since this is an ASO not a BSO, ‘NONEMPTYBLOCK’ is not an option. But we can use ‘NONEMPTYSUBSET’ with CROSSJOIN to great effect. The actual query, structure ends up looking something like this  ( for an ASO cube whose dimensions are  year, scenario, version, currency, entity, location, product, account)

FROM [Application.Database]

As the query resolves the ‘Cross Joins’,  it removes the blank subsets, in effect doing multiple layers of suppression to remove the empty rows, before doing the next cross join.  Using this method I am now able to pull a report in SmartView in <1 minute, where in the past using report script, it would take hours . Not only is it faster, but users can run this from their own system, whenever they want. We are also using the LEAVES function to drill into our members so that we can go straight to L0, and only pull members contributing to our roll up, this is an optional but effective addition to the query.

So let’s look at a real example, in this example users wanted about 10 accounts on all combinations. The structure of this cube was such that most of the dimensions (29 standard dimensions) would only have 1 intersection per cost center, but some of these contained 1000+ members, potential intersections here are in the millions, but we know only 20k have data. To give you an idea here are how the dimensions break down:
  • Scenario, Version, Year, Period, Currency, Account– all as you would expect in a planning application, since this is a reporting cube for a planning application
  • Reporting split dimensions – used like attributes, but very by period/year/scenario there are 20 of these with between 2 and 30 members
  • Customer (1000 members), Entity (4000 Members), Location (300 Members) – data will only intersect at a couple combinations (1-5), and each of these 1-5 will only intersect with 1 reporting member/dimension/year/period
So our possible intersections here are obviously very large, but like I said, we know data is only in about 20k intersections (including accounts selected) so using the MDX template I just displayed, we expand the number of cross joins and write our new query.  We could test this in EAS but then our output is useless, so let’s open SmartView. In SmartView connect a sheet as an ad-hoc query to the database you want to query and you will see these options in the Essbase ribbon.

Clicking on Execute MDX will open a dialog, drop in your query, for some reason SmartView does not like query’s ending with a semi-colon so remove that if you have to.  

Click on Execute and be prepared for excel to appear frozen for a couple minutes. If you really want, you can check in EAS and see that the query is running, but with some faith, you will get your results in SmartView.  After waiting the required time for Essbase to run your query,  for the network to send you the results, and SmartView to process the results, in my test case about 3 minutes for 19556 rows 40 columns,  you will have something that looks like this: (data randomized for example)

And that’s all there is to it, MDX in SmartView, it really is not evil, and the users I have shown this to have fallen in love with it. There are a few things to call-out about this method:
  • Your data must aggregate to top level, if not, it will be suppressed before the cross joins get to that dimension, if you have one dimension that does not, make sure it’s in the first cross join to execute and you will be okay
  • Once you start a query, unless you have access to EAS, there is no way to stop it.
  • This will work in a BSO as well, but query would need to be modified
  • This query will be dependent on the users access to the cube
  • Would recommend that tested as working queries are shared with users, you can use the SmartView MDX Library extension to do this with ease

I hope this helps someone, somewhere with their data pulls, if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I’ll get back to you.



  1. Hi Dan,

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU! This was a huge help to me. I'm a semi tech savi business user and this helped more than I can express! After hours of testing and researching flatfile data dumps from smart view, I was on the verge of giving up and writing a macro to hypquery the database for a few hours to get the data I needed -- when I finally found your post. I can get everything I need now in 10 - 15 minutes. Thank you very very much. I love your blog.

    1. glad i could help, if you have any other suggestions for topics, or questions please let me know, i will include them in future posts.

  2. Thanks Dan! I do have one quesiton if it isn't too much trouble. What would need to be modified in order to get this to work in BSO? Thanks

  3. this method required a fully aggregated cube to work, with BSO you would have to do things a little differently. you need to use the NONEMPTYBLOCK keyword and remove the NONEMPTYSUBSET section, something like this could work:

    {DESCENDANTS([YearTotal],2)} ON COLUMNS,
    FROM [Application.Database]

  4. Hi Dan, I was able to get that to work, and it is lightning fast, but I ran into another issue. With nonemptyblock, it seems to return #missing and #invalid intersections for me. Now I am quickly hitting my admin's export limit of 99,999 rows. I tried to combine non empty with nonemptyblock but I can't seem to make it work. Do you have any ideas on how to remove those missing/invalid rows? Also, please can you let me know if there is a way to donate to your blog? I'd very much like to pay-it-forward and donate to keep the blog up for a few months. My email is macro949 g mayel, if you could let me know where to paypal, I'd happily donate. Thanks again for blogging and helping!

    1. I appreciate the offer, but i do the blog for the joy of sharing, there is no cost to me for doing it, so i would not feel right taking a donation.

      as for #missing and #invalid, there might be some ways around those, i would have to look into it, if I find something, i will share.

  5. Have you ever run a MDX query in Smartview and had it create thousands of objects in the file?

    1. Sorry i have never encountered this.. are you using a VBA macro or just manually running one MDX? There is likely something else going on.

  6. In the below partial clear of ASO cube, this works, but wondering what the '20' is for? Can't find it anywhere what it means or if I actually need it or not. My goal is to just clear every level 0 member of Balance Sheet.

    Descendants([Balance Sheet],20,LEAVES)


  7. The number in the second parameter is the number of levels down from the member (Balance Sheet) you want to go, with Leaves added you are also saying "only return level 0". so in total you get, return me the level 0 descendants of balance sheet, down to layer 20. if your hierarchy is not 20 layers deep you can reduce the number, but in my experience having a number greater than max is not going to cause harm.

  8. Thanks. Wasn't sure. So can we exclude any shared members? Seems we can inadvertently include other members if one of our members is shared. Example #2 in below link worries me a bit :)

    1. shared members will be included, in your Balance Sheet example i would not expect shared members though.. just be sure to select the correct starting members.


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