Smart View Released

You might wonder why i did not write anything about the release of Smart View, or ask if I even noticed that it was released.  Well i did notice it, and i have been using it for a few week now, and i haven't seen anything worth writing home about.

This release does have some additional product support, such as Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud (EPBCS) and Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud (FCCS) and it does solve around 30 bugs, which are great reasons on their own to update, but there are no new shiny bells and whistles.

I should note that since installing i have not had Smart View crash on me, but with that said, i only actually experience a Smart View crash once every 1-2 months, so I can't say that problems are resolved.

The highlights of this release is the ability to insert attributes into ad-hoc grids on planning connections, but that is only on Cloud applications (for now).

Would I recommend you upgrade? YES, always run the latest version of Smart View.
Would i recommend forcing your entire user base to upgrade? That depends, if you are having issues with one of the fixed bugs, yes, otherwise, it might not be worth it with this release.

If you want to know more, i recommend reading the official documentation (New Features and Read Me) on the oracle website here:
