Unable to create HPCM Management Ledger Application from Master Cube

I was trying to create a new HPCM Management Ledger application today in an environment I don't normally work in.  Like past HPCM applications I have created I was planning to use the Master Cube method, which has worked fantastic in the past, but this time I noticed an issue. 

Every time I would try to create the application, I would be sent back to Profitability Applications manager without any notice, or warning.  This would happen after selecting “Actions”->”New” and filling out the “New Application” form.

Note in the screen shot of I have censored the Server names... but that’s where my issue came, not with the censoring, but the servers that were selected.

In this particular environment (unknown to me) HPCM and Essbase were installed in separate servers.  For some reason the Essbase Application Server still defaults to the HPCM server, even though it doesn’t have Essbase installed on it.  So when I would click on ‘Next’ the form would not take me to the next screen, but just disappear, without any error.

After about 10-15 minutes of getting angry at Workspace and HPCM, I realized my mistake, once I correctly selected “EssbaseCluster-1” it took me to the dimensions selection screen and everything else worked as expected. It’s a simple mistake, but I’m certain I won’t be the only person to make it.

With that, I shall sign off, good luck with your applications!
